Sunday, 19 August 2007

Grandmaster Smash

Glass: Rocks or Old-fashioned
Garnish: None
Method: Muddle the mint leaves with the sugar and the lime wedges in the base of the glass. Add the Grand Marnier and fill the glass with crushed ice. Mix well with a barspoon, and float the Absinthe.
4 lime wedges
2 barspoons brown sugar
8 mint leaves
50ml Grand Marnier
10ml La Fee Parisian Absinthe
Notes: The recipe just popped into my head while doing some more mundane work-related stuff. Seemed too good not to put down somewhere.

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Sunday, 5 August 2007


Glass: Martini
Garnish: Maraschino Cherry
Method: Shake all the ingredients with ice and fine-strain into a chilled martini glass.
25ml Tuaca
25ml Cherry brandy
25ml White cranberry juice
15ml Lime juice
Notes: I formulated this drink on spec for a private event, but it wasn't used. The name's a bit misleading, as there's nothing from the area surrounding Napoli in this drink, but I think it conveys the idea of the cocktail - an Italian twist on a Cosmopolitan - pretty well.

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